This past week I was treated to
this blog post and
this one. I enjoyed both so much that I made sure to share them, one via email and one on Facebook. The first, in particular, garnered a lot of responses, mostly along the lines of, "This was exactly what I needed to hear!" In case you haven't read them, they both were inspired by the countless times we parents of young children are told, "Oh, enjoy every moment - it goes so fast!"
I won't go into that particular topic, as the above writers did a great job. Other than to say that chances are, we know - but it still doesn't make the tantrums/rejected meals/whining any more enjoyable. I am blessed with both a mother and mother-in-law who fortunately remember that not every single moment is one to be enjoyed, but I've still heard this phrase often enough from others.
Anyway, these thoughts swirled around the back of my head this weekend, which was fortunately filled with a lot of wonderful moments. (And I don't just mean the ones that involved the babysitter holding the fort while we had dinner with friends and attended a party filled with more friends.) Yes, Laura had about half a dozen time-outs. But she also cuddled with Danny, finally deigned to try watermelon with Clare, played a game with them in the basement that involved lots of imagination and naming herself "Cuckoo" (you can't make that stuff up). We went out to lunch, and for a terrific nature walk where Clare and Danny raced off and enjoyed each other's company as part of yet another imaginative game. We had the windows open, a tasty Sunday night dinner, and plenty of relaxation.
In order to appreciate - and occasionally survive - parenting, I have found important refuges: running, fellow parents, wine,
prayer. Ultimately, each of these escapes renews my love for and appreciation of my family and (almost) all of our moments.