Saturday I got to participate in the Chickamauga Chase, a 15K through a historic national park and battlefield. Sheryl and I ran it both last year and this, and plan to continue the streak.
I came home to a very relaxed family, which is about all a mom can ask for. Kids played together, amused themselves, and stayed pleasant!
Easter prep for two different egg hunts meant digging up these plastic eggs, which turned out to be an outstanding source of entertainment for Laura. She stood on a chair and closed them all, then re-opened them, countless times.
After church, and our traditional waffles, we wandered down to the Kings for an egg hunt with them and the Bergstroms. Good times and great neighbors.
Later in the day, the Francos came over to finish celebrating Easter with us, which of course meant another egg hunt. We always cherish our time with this family!