This was the theme Clare chose for the luncheon she hosted (with a little help from Grandma and me) for Kathy Verso. Kathy is one of the main players of our Buffalo theatrics, and has been in Donna's life since they were in college together. She quickly won me over with her wit and stories when I first joined the Seymours, but when Clare came along I was truly smitten. As a preschool teacher she has a genuine appreciation of children that I only wish I could duplicate. She and Clare delight in comparing stories about school, although Kathy has an increasingly difficult time getting a word in edgewise...
Clare took this luncheon very seriously, drawing the above sign (all of those rectangles represent books), writing a lovely menu, and of course dressing to the nines. She also eagerly swept, cleaned off the table, and baked. In keeping with the theme, she asked each of us to bring "a wonderful story" with us, which we placed at our seats at the table:
After a pre-lunch performance of the songs from The Little Red Hen, with some golfing and dancing by Danny, we moved inside to eat and discuss our selected readings. Kathy brought two stories that neither Clare nor Danny had heard before. As her talent for reading to kids is supreme, it was so fun to watch their faces (especially Danny's) as she went through the books. By way of contributing to the discussion, Danny took a brief moment to find what he deems a hilarious picture in his horse book: a cartoon depicting a horse kicking a knight off of his back. Ah, boys. Clare then had to read to us from Kit, at which point Danny bolted to play with the Playmobil knights. He did promptly return when I brought out the brownie cookies.
We were treated (I use the term loosely) to a post-lunch play by the two of them that needed some serious editing. Clare definitely gave more thought to her wardrobe and opportunities to prance around in her dress than she did in the actual script, but I suppose she is only six. Nevertheless, we had to pull the plug at some point, blaming Danny's need to nap. All in all, it was a lovely and literary afternoon, and Clare is already plotting what next year's theme will be. A new tradition is born - watch out, Kathy!
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