The occasion began with a school-wide program with the theme, "A Day in the Life of CKS." The classes all performed something, including a rousing and humorous song by the first grade called, "Growing Up." Clare had been very secretive about this song, so I had no clue what it would be. She takes it very seriously when the teachers tell her to keep something a surprise.
After the program we were invited to visit the students' classrooms and meet the teachers. It was here that Clare presented Grammy and Grampy with a card/book she created in class (again, very secretively) along with some turkey artwork. She proudly showed them around the room, and then she attempted to introduce Danny to her teacher, but he wasn't really cooperating. The program about did him in, I fear (about 1/4 of the way through it he asked me, "When are we getting out of this place?").
The best part about Grandparents Day is that we were finished before 11, free to go out to lunch. Not a bad way to pass a Tuesday, and definitely a nice way to begin the Thanksgiving holiday. We are certainly very thankful for ALL of our grandparents! (We missed you, Grandma and Grandpa - maybe next year?)
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