Sunday, May 5, 2019

Danny the Teenager

Despite our pleas, Danny insisted on turning 13. He made the celebration fairly easy, too. On the big day itself, which fell on a Wednesday, his buddies Luke and Alessio came home with him to play soccer, video games, nerf wars, and eat ribs. They even coerced Laura into playing soccer, with Danny nabbing her for his team - to great success!

We followed this up with having Luke over for a sleepover on Saturday, and joining us for dinner at Fogo de Chao. This was Luke’s first time at Fogo, but he and Danny are kindred spirits when it comes to meat, so I feel confident he’ll return.

Danny even placed an easy cake decorating request, essentially the jersey of his favorite Arsenal player. May the rest of his teen years be similarly low-key. 

Last, but not least, Danny’s list included some specific books, and then requested that Clare choose some dye to her excellent record with him so far. This stack should keep him busy for a short while, at least!

We sure do love you, Danny Boy!

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