Friday, July 5, 2019

Danny’s ND Soccer Life

For years, Danny was never particularly interested in summer camp, aside from the occasional day-camp. But when presented with the opportunity to combine his love of soccer with a week at ND with a best buddy, he was all in!

We are fortunate that Luke’s grandparents live less than two hours from South Bend, so his mom drives the kids up every summer. She gladly added Danny to their crew, meaning I just had to get him home. A trip to campus? No problem!

The boys were assigned to Dillon, one of the older, original dorms - and quite a hike from the soccer fields and North Dining Hall (where they ate all their meals). Nor did they have AC, a tough draw in July. Nevertheless, they had a terrific time, with quite a bit of soccer.

For my part, I relished some quiet time on campus, and a room at the Morris Inn all to myself!

It should also be said that the night before they headed to camp, Danny enjoyed a very fun night on the lake at Luke’s grandparents’ house. Sadly, the following morning the grandparents woke up with the rotavirus, which means Luke’s mom and I were on edge most of the week, wondering if the boys would succumb. Thankfully they did not! Perhaps the luck of the Irish, more likely the power of prayer. Grateful all around!

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