Friday, November 1, 2019

A Happy Halloween for 2019

We continue to mix things up at Halloween, and this year we divided and conquered. Laura, who dressed as Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series, chose to trick-or-treat with Meghan (a S.W.A.T. officer) in her neighborhood. I escorted her, and we enjoyed a great evening with the Millers, including a moonlit buffet dinner halfway through the candy trek.

Meanwhile, Tim held down the fort at home, grilling ribs and burgers and hosting a front-yard fire. Danny chose to stay home as his sidekick. Clare invited some friends over, and I think all were happy to have a place to gather and have fun - Halloween gets tricky for high schoolers. They seemed a very merry bunch indeed, and Clare was delighted with the results.

Swim squad.

Danny in the mix!

I was festive, too.


The weather turned quite chilly, too, which really helped to usher in the feeling of approaching holidays!

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