Saturday, May 9, 2020

Scenes from Quarantine

This unprecedented time of staying at home and social distancing will be a defining moment for each of us. There have been highs: Way more family dinners than usual, family movies, games, and no racing around and against the clock. There have been lows, too: Missing friends, canceled plans and occasions, uncertainty about the future. Regardless of the ultimate feelings about it, I wanted to be sure we had some photos to document it.

Pinecone Wars: A game Danny and Laura invented early on, before bees and allergies overtook the season.

Distance learning, sometimes with distractions...

MANYwalks to Meghan’s mailbox, exchanging letters and LEGO creations.

The addition of a ping pong table to the basement. 

A Zoom call with grandparents on occasions like Easter and Mother’s Day.

An art project for Theology gone goofy...

Virtual soccer practices, emailed from the coach.

And a whole lot of QT with the cats - the clear winners in quarantine!

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