Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Easter 2019

This was our third year of celebrating Easter with Tim singing in the Cathedral Ensemble, which meant evening mass and a relaxed, leisurely morning. We all slept to our heart’s content, which was later for some than others, and enjoyed Tim’s waffles and bacon.

Laura was thrilled that the Easter Bunny left a fun game for her to seek her basket!

It was a beautiful day, so Clare and I enjoyed a walk and some practice parking the car before church. Danny altar served, so I didn’t get him in the ore-mass photo, but the girls happily obliged.

On Good Friday, Stephanie kindly had Laura over to dye eggs with Meghan, which was a big hit.

On Easter Monday, we grabbed SJ and headed to lunch at The Varsity - a local institution that we somehow had never tried. (It was fine...no need to rush back.)

With our weeks often spent at a breakneck pace, we were grateful for a long weekend to unwind and think about our many blessings!

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