Sunday, August 4, 2019

Clare and Abby Go to Washington

Clare has been eyeing D.C. as a potential college destination for a while, so we thought a summer program at Georgetown would be a great opportunity. Fortunately, so did Abby! Tim gamely agreed to fly out with them a couple of days early in order to tour additional schools (with Karen and Brian very graciously hosting).

They were giddy just being at the airport together!

An official tour of GW was the first order of business, and they were ALL very impressed! Clare really loved everything about it.

They had to do a self-guided tour of American, so that may require a second visit.

Despite the heat, they saw a few sights, too. But soon enough it was time to head to Georgetown!

It was a FULL week of classes/lectures, discussions and field trips (centered around the U.S. and its international relations), so we didn’t get too many updates through the week. But we did get some proof of life photos!

They made several new friends from all over (including China and South Korea), learned a lot, and Clare, for one, is still seriously considering D.C. for college. For the time being, though, we were happy for her to return home!

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