Thursday, November 28, 2019

My Once-In-A-Lifetime Trunk Show

I had been gearing up for a few weeks for this trunk show with the one and only Jessica Honegger - and I was nervous. Pumped, but also anxious. Would she approve of my style? Would I do justice to Noonday? Was I *really* the right ambassador to host a trunk show with the Founder?! But as I dropped off Laura at school, the Eminem classic “Lose Yourself” came on the radio - a song I have not heard in ages. The phrase “this opportunity comes once in a lifetime” resonated so clearly with me! This was happening, and I needed to just be open to it and do the job I’ve been doing - and LOVING - for 3.5 years. And, of course, it was awesome. My friend Amy was the perfect hostess, and being surrounded and loved on by women who have loved and supported me every step of the way was unforgettable. 

It was so fun to see my friends connect with Jessica, and I enjoyed driving her around and having some down-to-earth, one-on-one time with her. Priceless.

I am so inspired to keep going, and crazier than ever about the Noonday community. 

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