Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Hunting Colleges in Boston

While Danny enjoyed sunny relaxation in Florida, Tim, Clare and Abby headed north to explore schools in the Boston area. Tim mapped out the itinerary, which had them start with an exploration of Marblehead before heading to Holy Cross, their first tour.

As this trip unfolded at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis that would eventually shut down much of the country - and most universities - their experience was a bit surreal. They were fortunate in that they were able to tour each school, with closure notices announced moments after they arrived at each. 

Altogether, they toured Holy Cross, Tufts, Harvard and Boston College. BC emerged as the favorite for both girls. I’m pretty sure the fact that it has its own T stop was a big plus as far as Clare was concerned!

They also saw enough of Boston to really like the city, and to get up to some of their usual goofiness - the hallmark of any good trip! We are so glad that they managed to make this trip before the world closed down, and look forward to the time when such trips are possible once again!

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