Thursday, August 27, 2015

First Day of School 2015: Clare

Dressed in her winter uniform for orientation and school pictures.
With MUCH anticipation, excitement and a wee bit of trepidation, Clare began her Marist career this week. Between gatherings with peer leaders, buddies, cross-country practice, and various parent functions, we had plenty of preparation. Clare was more than ready to get the ball rolling, and so far (three days in) is besotted with it all (well, not every cross-country practice)!

She and Abby have also resumed their Swim Atlanta practices, which means more giggling in the Testani kitchen, albeit in different uniforms.

In fact, the two of them were so enamored of their first day (and clearly had lots of time on their hands) that they developed a second secret handshake. Here's hoping that the next six years include many more of these happy highs!

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