Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Bevy of Blessings

When it comes to major events like Thanksgiving, I have a hard time knowing where to begin a post. It can be a bit overwhelming, particularly when it coincides with a trip out of town to visit family. As usual, we had a lovely tim in Buffalo, and it reminds me yet again how much we have to be thankful for.

Like an excruciatingly stubborn, but entertainingly determined little boy (who insisted on pulling this suitcase through the entirety of Atlanta's very large airport):

And fireside reading (which, with Clare, turn more into chats, but that's okay, too):

There were the firsts of an outing to see the Rockettes in the Radio City Christmas Spectacular...

...provided by a loving and generous Grandma:

And Danny's first chicken wing (because when in Buffalo...):

So many entertaining moments:

There were snowballs thrown at Mommy, stories with Grandma, Bingo with Grandpa, fun with Finn the dog (and Aunt Karen and Uncle Brian, too), and of course lots and lots of food. We are thankful for each moment of the visit, and thankful for our wonderful family.

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