Friday, February 27, 2009

Real World Re-entry

Danny and I are moving again among the land of the living. Huzzah! Yesterday he went to school (without incident), and I re-engaged with such mommy luxuries as walking on the Silver Comet Trail and meeting friends for lunch, plus a trip to Target. Today being a rainy day, he and I ventured to Kangazoom (along with Zach and Olivia), again without incident. He was warned that if anything "accidental" happened, we would have go to home, but fortunately it went well. We're not 100% there, as some neighbors witnessed yesterday afternoon - unfortunately, #2 seems to be a lingering barrier for us. But hey, we're still less than a week in, so I remain sanguine about it.

I think what may relieve me the most is how comfortable Danny has gotten with it. He initiates the visits now, and knows the routine. Most of the time he still expects a jelly bean, but I'm increasingly getting away without such a reward. I think potty training still dominates my thoughts, whereas Danny pays attention to things like the raindrops. After all, using the potty is just another part of nature, isn't it?

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