Tonight I attempt to blog about Thanksgiving. I've mentioned in the past that I find it difficult to post about these major events, much more so than the random occurrence that either elicits a spontaneous essay on semi-related thoughts, or for which a passing comment will suffice. Not so for a holiday, especially one that we prepare for and anticipate for so long. This Thanksgiving was no exception. In fact, we anticipated it more than most, because the Needhams were coming!
It was, however, an exception in that it defied the conventional wisdom that the more you look forward to something, the more likely it is to disappoint. On the contrary, this was a magical (if brief) visit. Sure, we had delicious turkey and pie, but it was the unexpected moments like the hours around the volleyball net (a stroke of genius by Grampy) and hilarious conversation among the cousins (ask any one of them about shark attacks versus toilet injuries) that will stick with me the longest.
It's bittersweet to reflect on what wonderful memories we made, given how far apart we live. But I know we're fortunate to see each other as often as we do. And we're definitely blessed to anticipate so happily each gathering, knowing without a doubt that we'll enjoy our time together. For this and everything else I am truly thankful.