Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

We ended spring break in Florida (post on that coming soon) with an excellent Easter! Knowing our crowd, we decided to get up and at 'em and attended the 8 a.m. mass, which worked out pretty well. As the church down there has a lot more seniors than babies, Laura got a LOT of attention with her Easter bonnet and dress (incredibly, she kept that hat on all morning, and when it would blow off she would motion for us to put it right back on):

The Easter Bunny brought, among other things, a coveted Notre Dame hockey puck:

And a longed-for Webkinz:

You can tell we were in Florida with the palm trees playing a predominant role in the egg hunt:

And last, but not least, the now-traditional bunny cake for dessert:

In between these traditional holiday festivities was a visit to the beach for Tim and Clare, a nature walk for Dan, Laura and me, some golf for Danny and Larry, and a visit to the pool for most of us. A blessings-filled day, in so many ways!

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