Monday, September 22, 2014

40 IS Fabuous

Tim and I had ambitious plans, or perhaps just high hopes, for 2014. After all, this is the year we both turn 40, AND we celebrate 15 years of marriage. Our plans (trip to Napa!) got postponed, but since we got a fabulous house in exchange I am not complaining.

Given the above, I didn't give much thought to my actual birthday. (And can't forget the 36-hour getaway I had this summer with my high school BFFs for the mutual occasion.) I knew Tim would come through with a cake, and honestly what more do I need? Well, Jen Pryor was having none of that! She, along with some other wonderful gals, arranged a fabulous dinner party/girls' night out. As the photos attest, I am a blessed girl (still clinging to that term, even in my 40s).

My family and friends afar rounded out my birthday for a truly memorable milestone. Thank you all!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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