Monday, December 1, 2014

Our First Byrnwyck Tree

Since we won't be together for Christmas, we opted to capitalize on Donna and Larry's presence for Thanksgiving and inflicted our tree-trimming traditions on them. After our usual attempt to badger Tim into a REALLY big tree, we found a good (enough) one at THD. And so far, I think it may be our most fragrant one ever (probably due to the sizable crack in the trunk...hoping that doesn't come back to haunt us).

Abby joined us for the traditional bagels and tree purchase, which is fitting because she does feel like part of our family.

We came home and began decking the halls. Tim outdid himself with the exterior lights (we have yet to take a good picture of them, however). And then it was time for the feast and tree-trimming to begin!
Laura finally agreed to wear a hat for ONE picture...
Danny LOVES his elf hat.
 After the tree was finished, Grandma and Grandpa presented the grandkids with their Christmas presents: British pounds to buy generous souvenirs on our upcoming trip! And books for all three of them. These were a very big hit.
While food overload from Thanksgiving may have dampened our enthusiasm for the traditional feast just a tad, this was a lovely way to end a marvelous holiday.

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