Thursday, June 11, 2015

Growth Opportunities

Towards the end of our Florida vacation, Laura began singing a particular song quite frequently: "Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better)." I believe she and Danny had found a snippet of this on YouTube, as they would sing it back and forth to each other a fair amount. This is a song right in line with her personality, but it also coincides with a surge of welcome independence on her part. For one, she has developed the ability to swing by herself, no starter push necessary.
She also requested the ability to earn allowance, which meant she now has chores, including setting the dinner table, keeping her room tidy, and tidying up the toys in the basement.
Last, but certainly not least this time of year, she has become an independent swimmer! After three sessions of swimming lessons, and multiple trips to the pool, she doggy paddles with the best of them and leaves the floaties in the car. One of my favorite kind of summer milestones!

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