Tuesday, July 7, 2015

2015 Buffalo Shuffle: Fourth of July at PCC

Given Danny's sore throat, our Fourth of July kicked off with a trip to urgent care to see if he had strep. He did not, so we headed back home for a relaxing morning while Tim and Larry golfed. We weren't too sure what Danny would be up for, but decided that we couldn't all forego the festivities. So Tim and I took the girls to the PCC pool, planning for Larry and Danny to join us for dinner and, ideally, fireworks.

Due to the inclement and chilly weather earlier in the week, this wound up being our first and only swim at PCC. The girls had a good time with Tim, and I once again enjoyed staying in my regular clothes and observing! (This happens so rarely in Atlanta, after all.)
Happily, Danny was well enough to meet us for dinner and carnival games, which kept everyone amused and thus enabled us to stick around for the fireworks. The buffet was delicious, the games fun, and the weather glorious:

Missing Donna, but knowing she was where she should be.

It was unanimously decided that Park Club knows how to do the 4th!

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