Thursday, August 28, 2008

Morning bliss

With the drought conditions around here still at level four, I know I'm not supposed to complain about rain. Instead I'll simply say that it was nice to wake up this morning to a sunny day - even if it was early. I resisted the temptation to drive straight home after dropping Clare off, and instead headed to Danny's and my new favorite trail along the Chattahoochee River. It was only about 7:45 a.m., but there were plenty of other runners there reveling in the rain-free morning. It was beautiful. Danny's favorite part of these excursions naturally comes at the end. Without fail, when he sees the parking lot in the distance he exclaims, "We did it, Mommy!" which is better than any official finish line. I then release him from the stroller, and we head over to a little deck that sits directly above the river. I stretch (sometimes Danny does, too, which is both cute and funny), and Danny finds little pebbles and sticks to throw in the water. This morning he encouraged me to throw stuff in, too, and was ecstatic when I did so. I have to say it was pretty fun, too! It was one of those reminders about life's simple pleasures that kids so frequently give us, if we bother to slow down long enough to listen.

P.S. I took this photo with my new iPhone, which is just the coolest thing ever! I will also take this opportunity to amend previously posted complaints about the drudgery of Clare's school life. I don't really have to get up until closer to 6:30, and more importantly I've discovered that if I take her skirts and shirts out of the dryer immediately, I don't have to iron them. Phew!