Friday, March 28, 2008

Who needs Pebble Beach when you have Target?

It's interesting how one trip to Target can give you a fairly accurate snapshot of your children's personalities. Today being Friday, Clare didn't have school and we were free as birds. After a leisurely morning around the house and with a somewhat lengthy list in hand, we headed to our favorite store. The trip started out fairly tame, with Danny in the cart munching on goldfish and Clare sipping her vanilla milk from Starbucks. I had managed to persuade her away from hot cocoa, because she always spills, and I have yet to find a way to remove chocolate stains (and yes, I have tried OxyClean). She was wearing a brand-new sundress from Uncle Dan and Aunt Judy, and her passion for clothes fortunately outweighed her desire for hot cocoa. Snacks in hand, we sallied forth through the dollar spot, clothes, etc. It was while I was picking up dish soap that Danny grabbed the toilet brush, and within seconds was swinging it like a golf club. He persisted in doing this throughout the rest of the store, with a "Watch, Mommy!" lobbed at me every other second. Thanks to my trusty camera phone, I captured it on film. Plenty of fellow shoppers got quite a kick out of him. I can now picture two-year-old Tiger Woods on the green, too, because I must say Danny has a pretty good swing!

Clare, meanwhile, was on the hunt to spend the birthday money her great-grandparents had sent to her. She carefully perused the book, toy, and clothing aisles - two times each. She ultimately selected a bathing suit, and then opted to save the rest of her money for another time. May I remind you all that she is five. I don't know that I have ever, in my 33 years, been so practical!